On Saturday, approximately fifteen-hundred people protested police brutality and systemic racism in the streets of Boston. Protesters meet at the State House around noon.
Read More#EnoughIsEnough: Justice for Eric Garner Protest
Several thousand people took to the streets of Boston to protest the non-indictment of the police officer who choked Eric Garner to death in July. This protest was one of dozens taking place at the same time around the nation on December 4, the day after the Grand Jury results were announce in New York City.
Read More#IndictAmerica: Boston 11/25/2014
Around 1600 people were in the street of Boston to protest police violence and white supremacy after the non-indictment of the officer who killed Mike Brown. The protest started with a rally in Dudley Square and then marched all over Boston, disrupting traffic, ending at South Station.
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